assignment 03: the climax

design studio epsilon

Stack and Scaffold, a model for modular housing, utilises prefabrication as a method of forming a site that adapts to its users and grows over time to the density of the site. It creates an affordance of flexibility and adaptability that allows growth and change over a single family’s occupation as well as long term development. As the project is situated in the middle ring suburb of Brunswick West, the model supports affordability for homeowners and renters alike through the addition and subtraction of unit modules that supports changes to households while encouraging sustainability through recycling and refurbishment of modules across the site. Its mass production process further facilitates affordability. By developing a permanent superstructure in which modules can be slotted in, and removed, the creation of micro-communities becomes more adaptable and allows for a flexible arrangement of communal spaces on the ground plane and enhances programme and community within the core of each residence.