biophilic architecture

In undertaking Design Studio Alpha and Design Studio Beta, I developed an understanding of and appreciation for biophilic design. As a concept that seeks to connect the built environment with nature, biophilia serves a significant role in occupant wellbeing and experience of the environment created, leading to productivity and improved health. 

The project completed in Design Studio Alpha, Dystopian Dreams, centered around the design of a historic park within a dystopian context where shelters, pavilions, and other amenities were necessary for occupants inhabiting the site as a place of gathering and retreat. As a landscape-centered project, it was vital to integrate the landscape experience with the built forms introduced. 

Similarly, in Design Studio Beta, the creation of Pleasure Gardens on a suburban Melbourne site served to introduce a natural oasis into the monotony of the suburban landscape. By planting lush vegetation and constructing pavilions that facilitate community interaction and social events, we were able to intensify the program of the suburban lot to enrich the lifestyles and experiences of occupants.

Living House, Living Neighbourhood

Design Studio Gamma

Sustainable Design

Environmental Building Systems

Pleasure Gardens

Design Studio Beta

Dystopian Dreams

Design Studio Alpha